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At Cahero MenOro, our unwavering dedication to delivering fruits of the utmost quality is at the core of everything we do. Our primary objective is clear: to provide our customers with the finest fruits available in the market. We understand that quality is not merely a buzzword but a fundamental aspect of our business, and we take it seriously.

To achieve our goal of offering top-notch fruits, we are committed to staying at the forefront of our industry. We continuously invest in cutting-edge services and implement top-tier procedures to ensure that our fruits meet the highest standards. This commitment to innovation and excellence sets us apart from the competition and underscores our determination to provide you with the best possible product.

Our reputation for quality and excellence is not based on empty claims but on tangible achievements. We have subjected our practices to rigorous evaluations by both national and international organizations. These assessments have resulted in us achieving the highest certifications available in the industry. These certifications are a testament to our relentless pursuit of excellence and our dedication to ensuring that our customers receive nothing less than the very best fruits.

When you choose Cahero MenOro, you're not just selecting fruits; you're choosing quality, precision, and a commitment to excellence that runs through every aspect of our business. From our orchards where our fruits are grown and harvested to your table where they are enjoyed, our commitment to delivering the finest quality remains unwavering. We invite you to experience the difference that our dedication to excellence makes in every bite of our delicious fruits.


Organic fruit packaging is a crucial aspect of sustainable and environmentally friendly agricultural practices. It involves the careful and responsible packaging of agricultural products, such as avocados, that are grown without the use of synthetic chemicals or artificial materials. At Avocados Life, we prioritize organic fruit packaging to align with the principles of sustainable farming and to meet the stringent organic regulations in various nations.

In the United States, organic fruit packaging falls under the governance of federal legislation established in 2001 and is overseen by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) through the National Organic Program (NOP). This program sets the standards and requirements for organic production, including the packaging of organic avocados. Adherence to these regulations ensures that our organic avocados meet the high organic standards set by the USDA.

In the European Union (EU), Avocados Life complies with Regulations 834/2007 and 889/2008, which dictate the guidelines for organic farming and packaging. These regulations emphasize sustainable and organic practices, and our commitment to adhering to them ensures that our organic avocados meet the stringent organic standards established within the EU.

For our exports to Canada, we adhere to the NOP-COR equivalence, which represents an agreement between the United States and Canada regarding the packaging of organic avocados. This regulatory equivalence, in effect since 2009, ensures that our organic avocados destined for the Canadian market meet the organic packaging requirements set forth by Canadian authorities, aligning our practices with their organic standards.

At Avocados Life, our dedication to organic fruit packaging not only reflects our commitment to sustainable and eco-friendly practices but also ensures that our customers receive high-quality, organically produced avocados that meet the rigorous standards set by relevant regulatory bodies in the USA, EU, and Canada. We take pride in contributing to a more sustainable and organic future for the avocado industry.



The Sedex Affiliate Ethical Trade Audit (SMETA) is a widely recognized and adopted ethical audit format used worldwide for assessing and ensuring ethical practices in various industries. SMETA represents a comprehensive approach to ethical auditing, incorporating ethical audit techniques and best practices. It utilizes the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) code and local regulations as the primary assessment tools. SMETA consists of four key modules:

1. Health and Safety: This module evaluates the health and safety practices within an organization, ensuring that workers are provided with a safe and healthy working environment. It assesses compliance with relevant regulations and standards.

2. Labor Standards: The labor standards module focuses on workers' rights and welfare, including aspects such as working hours, wages, labor contracts, and freedom of association. It ensures that employees are treated fairly and with respect.

3. Environment: This module assesses an organization's environmental practices, including sustainability measures, waste management, resource usage, and compliance with environmental regulations. It encourages responsible environmental stewardship.

4. Business Ethics: The business ethics module evaluates the ethical conduct of the organization in its business dealings, including issues related to corruption, bribery, and adherence to ethical business practices and standards.

SMETA 6.0 is the latest version of the SMETA audit framework, issued in April 2017. It represents an updated and refined approach to ethical auditing, aligning with evolving industry standards and practices. The development and oversight of SMETA are managed by the Sedex Stakeholder Forum (SSF), a group that brings together various stakeholders, including companies and organizations committed to ethical trade.

Numerous well-known companies, including SGS, Amcor, Bureau Veritas, DNV, Givaudan, Kellogg, M&S, Pepsi, SAB Miller/ABInbev, and Walmart, have been actively involved in the development and implementation of SMETA. The widespread adoption of SMETA underscores its importance as a tool for promoting ethical and responsible business practices across industries, ultimately contributing to a more sustainable and socially responsible global supply chain.



GLOBALG.A.P. is a well-established brand of smart farm assurance solutions that have been developed by FoodPLUS GmbH, headquartered in Cologne, Germany. These solutions have been created in collaboration with producers, retailers, and various stakeholders from the food industry to promote safe, socially responsible, and environmentally sustainable farming practices.

One of the most widely recognized standards within the GLOBALG.A.P. portfolio is the Integrated Farm Assurance (IFA) standard. This standard is applicable to a wide range of agricultural sectors, including fruit and vegetables, aquaculture, floriculture, livestock, and more. It serves as a comprehensive framework for ensuring that farming operations adhere to stringent criteria related to safety, social responsibility, and environmental sustainability. Importantly, the IFA standard also serves as the foundation for the GGN label, which is a consumer label that signifies certified and responsible farming practices, offering transparency to consumers about the origin of their food.

GLOBALG.A.P.'s journey began under the name EUREPGAP in 1997. Over the course of two decades, it has grown into a global force, with over 200,000 producers in 134 countries obtaining GLOBALG.A.P. certification. The organization's commitment to spreading responsible farming practices and ensuring the production of safe and sustainable food for future generations is exemplified by its substantial team of nearly 150 members worldwide. This team works diligently to uphold and expand the principles of responsible agriculture and food production, making a positive impact on global food supply chains.

Global GAP


PrimusGFS is a prominent audit Certification Program that holds recognition from the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI). Over the years, it has played a crucial role in various sectors of the food industry, with a particular focus on fresh produce. This program is designed to be applied in global primary production, encompassing industries such as horticulture, grain, and pulses, as well as manufacturing sectors.

PrimusGFS audits are comprehensive and cover a range of critical aspects, depending on the nature of the operation being audited. These audits may include assessments related to Food Safety Management Systems (FSMS), Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs), Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs), and Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP). The incorporation of HACCP principles ensures that the assessment thoroughly evaluates and manages food safety risks.

Azzule Systems serves as the owner and operator of the PrimusGFS program, overseeing its implementation and adherence to industry standards. The actual PrimusGFS audits are conducted by Certification Bodies, which are independent auditing firms. These Certification Bodies have received approval and authorization from the PrimusGFS Certification Program and are recognized under ISO/IEC 17065, a standard that sets the criteria for the competence of product, process, and service certification bodies.

PrimusGFS plays a pivotal role in ensuring food safety, quality, and compliance within the global food industry. Its alignment with GFSI standards makes it a valuable tool for businesses involved in primary production and manufacturing, helping to maintain high standards of safety and quality in the food supply chain.

Primus GFS


SENASICA, which stands for "Servicio Nacional de Sanidad, Inocuidad y Calidad Agroalimentaria," is a cornerstone of Mexico's agricultural and food safety infrastructure. Its responsibilities encompass a broad spectrum of activities vital to the well-being of the nation's agricultural sector, its consumers, and its role in the global food trade.

1. Safeguarding Agricultural Resources: SENASICA's role in safeguarding agricultural, livestock, and fishery resources is of paramount importance. Mexico's diverse ecosystems are susceptible to a range of pests and diseases that can devastate crops and livestock. SENASICA plays a pivotal role in implementing strict quarantine measures, conducting inspections, and overseeing disease control programs to prevent, contain, and mitigate these threats. By doing so, it ensures the continued viability of Mexico's agriculture.

2. Ensuring Food Safety and Quality: Another vital aspect of SENASICA's mission is to regulate and promote food safety and quality in the agri-food sector. This entails the development and enforcement of rigorous standards and protocols that govern the production, processing, and distribution of agricultural and animal-sourced products. SENASICA's efforts in this area not only protect consumers from potential health risks but also uphold the reputation of Mexican agricultural products in both domestic and international markets.

3. Facilitating International Trade: SENASICA's work has a significant impact on Mexico's participation in global trade. By certifying that Mexican agricultural products meet international standards for safety and quality, SENASICA facilitates the export of these goods to countries around the world. This trade not only generates revenue for Mexican producers but also contributes to the nation's food security and economic stability.


SENASICA's mission revolves around the regulation, management, and promotion of activities related to agri-food health, safety, and quality. Its overarching goal is to reduce the inherent risks associated with agricultural, livestock, aquaculture, and fisheries activities. This mission benefits a wide range of stakeholders, including producers, consumers, and industry participants, by ensuring that these activities adhere to the highest standards of safety and quality.


SENASICA's vision is forward-looking and transformative. It aspires to become a modern and efficient organization, equipped with a robust legal framework that not only promotes health and safety but also facilitates international trade. Central to this vision is the establishment of a consolidated technical and scientific platform with both national and international recognition. This recognition provides certainty and assurance to all stakeholders involved in the agri-food industry, reinforcing confidence in the safety and quality of Mexican agricultural and animal-sourced products.

In summary, SENASICA's multifaceted mission and vision underscore its pivotal role in preserving the integrity of Mexico's agricultural sector, safeguarding consumer health, and promoting the nation's participation in the global food trade. Its commitment to excellence in regulatory and promotional roles contributes to a safer, more prosperous, and more sustainable agri-food industry in Mexico and beyond.



The System for Reduction of Contamination Risk (SRRC) is a comprehensive framework established by the Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries, and Food (SAGARPA) to uphold and promote food safety and quality standards in various sectors of agriculture and food production. This system encompasses a range of measures and procedures that are voluntarily adopted by agricultural producers, processors, and packers to ensure the hygienic production and processing of agricultural, livestock, aquaculture, and fishing products.

The primary objectives of the SRRC include:

1. Enhanced Food Safety: The SRRC places a strong emphasis on reducing contamination risks associated with agricultural products. This encompasses a broad spectrum of contaminants, including physical (foreign objects or debris), chemical (pesticides, herbicides, or pollutants), and microbiological (bacteria, pathogens) contaminants. By implementing SRRC measures, producers aim to prevent, mitigate, or eliminate these risks at various stages of production and processing.

2. Consumer Protection: The SRRC is designed to safeguard the health and well-being of consumers by ensuring that agricultural products are produced and handled in a manner that minimizes contamination risks. This includes adherence to strict hygiene practices, proper storage and transportation, and compliance with food safety regulations.

3. Quality Assurance: In addition to food safety, the SRRC also contributes to the overall quality of agricultural products. By reducing the risk of contamination and maintaining optimal handling and processing conditions, producers and packers can deliver products that meet high-quality standards, including factors such as taste, appearance, and shelf life.

4. Market Access: For products intended for export, adherence to SRRC measures is often essential to meet the stringent requirements of international markets. Many countries, including the United States, have specific regulations and standards for imported agricultural products. Compliance with SRRC measures can facilitate market access by demonstrating a commitment to food safety and quality.

5. Voluntary Adoption: It's important to note that the SRRC is implemented on a voluntary basis, allowing producers, processors, and packers to choose to adopt these measures. This flexibility encourages industry participation and commitment to food safety and quality without imposing undue regulatory burdens.

6. Regulatory Oversight: While voluntary, the SRRC is typically subject to regulatory oversight and verification by relevant authorities, such as SAGARPA. Verification units are responsible for inspecting facilities and ensuring that SRRC measures are effectively implemented.

In the context of avocados, as mentioned in the initial statement, the SRRC for Pollution Risk Reduction is crucial for packer-exporters. It ensures that facilities and controls involved in packaging avocados adhere to rigorous standards, reducing the chances of contamination. This, in turn, helps to ensure that avocados are delivered to consumers safely, meeting both national and international food safety and quality requirements.


Overall, the SRRC serves as a valuable tool in the promotion of food safety and quality in the agriculture and food production sectors, benefitting both producers and consumers while facilitating international trade in agricultural goods.



At Cahero MenOro, our unwavering commitment is to provide you with personalized attention that exceeds your expectations. We take pride in being available to serve you every single day of the year, ensuring that your needs are met promptly and efficiently. Our dedication to exceptional customer service means that you can reach out to us at any time without hesitation. Whether you have questions, require assistance, or seek tailored solutions, our team is here to assist you 24/7, 365 days a year. Your satisfaction and peace of mind are our top priorities, and we are ready to go the extra mile to meet your unique requirements. Feel free to contact us whenever you need support, and experience the Cahero MenOro difference in personalized service.

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